11 Most Common Causes of Oily Skin + How to fix

Are you fed up of your oily skin? Wondering why your skin or face looks so Oily? Here are the 11 most common causes of oily skin and How to fix them!

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Do you constantly ask yourself, “why does my face look so oily?”

Whenever you touch your face, do you find it greasy or oily on your finger?

Do you sweat a lot easily during summer?

If this is you, let me tell you

You are not Alone!

I have had extremely oily skin for as long as I can remember

I know the struggle! And how frustrating it can be

In this post, I will share with you the 11 most Causes of Oily Skin and what you can do to fix it!

My Skin Type

I always had oily skin and scalp and this oiliness also made my skin acne prone

In summer My face sweats a lot faster than any person on earth!

A part of reason is my oily skin and which is why i wanted to make this post and share with you

Some reasons that contribute to oily skin and how you can fix it with tips that have worked for me!

Let’s begin

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Causes of Oily Skin

11 Most Common Causes of Oily Skin

1. Hormonal Changes

Hormones are one of the main and most common reasons for oily skin. If you never had oily skin before and suddenly now you are experiencing it

There might be hormonal changes that must have happened that are now making your skin oily

I personally think this is one reason for my oily skin.

This is because changes in your hormone can result in the overproduction of sebum which is an oil, present in our skin.

That is the reason most women get acne too! (Like me )

For example: when you hit puberty, When i hit my puberty my skin changed 180 degree

2. Genetics

Genetics can play a huge role. You see many people who have great skin and they say, they owe it to their genes!

If someone in your family tree has or had oily skin, chances are you will have or already have oily skin,

Unfortunately, When it comes to genetics, there is no fix! You will have to accept that and try to take measures to manage the oil in your skin.

3. Climate

The environment around us affects our skin health a lot!

For example: for me when summer begins, my oily skin reaches a whole another level!

It is so greasy

During this time, it is important to avoid sweating whenever you can.

4. Over Exfoliating

We naturally have a little oil present in our skin that is good for our skin’s health. When you over-exfoliate your skin constantly

Our body tries to produce more oil as it gets deprived of the natural oil present in our skin. Which results in over-sebum production and makes skin even more oily

When I was a teenager, I used to over-exfoliate my skin because I suffered from acne.

As acne occurs due to sebum overproduction as well. I used to wash my face and exfoliate way too much.

This resulted in making my skin even oilier and acne prone.

Washing your face too frequently or using harsh soaps can strip your skin of its natural oils, causing it to produce more oil to compensate.

5. Age

Young people tend to have more oily skin. It is because, As we grow older, our skin tends to produce natural oily slower.

I remember my mom telling me this as she is older now, the oil in her body has gotten really low

So as you grow older, your skin type will change, and you will have to change your skincare game accordingly.

So it is good news, if you are really oily skin, it may get less with time!

An aesthetician can help you in understanding your skin type and give you the best recommendations!

6. Clogged or Enlarged Pores

Causes of Oily Skin

Clogged Pores can be one of the reasons for your skin to produce excess oil.

Certain makeup products are comedogenic, which tends to clog our pores, causing the dirt stay in our pores.

This Can enlarge your pores and leave excess oil on the surface, making your skin look oily!

To avoid this, make sure to use skincare products that do not clog your pores and clean your face with a gentle skincare

7. Wrong Skincare products

Using skincare products, not of your skin type can affect your skin too

For example, My skin is naturally more on the oilier side. When I was using heavy and thick skincare products on my skin.

My skin would feel even greasy and oily. It was extremely uncomfortable

For skincare, examine whether your skin is oily, normal, combination, or dry.

Use skincare that is formulated as per your skin type!

8. Using heavy Moisturizer or Skipping Moisturizer altogether

Similar to the above point. This is one of the most Common Causes of Oily Skin!

Heavy moisturizer when your skin is oily to normal can make your skin feels oily and greasy

This was the case for me for years, and I did not realize it.

I used to use a cream-based heavy moisturizer that would make my skin too greasy and eventually oily, which lead to more acne.

I went to a dermatologist, and she told me that the moisturizer is not suitable for my skin type and I should instead not use any moisturizer at all.

I started skipping my moisturizer in fear, however, my skin would not feel good without a moisturizer.

So I did some research and found that for oily to normal skin types, Oil-based moisturizers are made.

There are lightweight and gentle on oily skin, which helps us protect our skin without making it feel oily!

9. Diet and Nutrition

Our diet has a lot to do with our skin. It can reflect very easily and quickly on some people.

Our food and nutrition affect our internal well-being and so our hormones. Due to this, any changes in the level of our hormones can result in over-sebum production.

Making our skin oily and greasy! Processed and sugary foods can cause oily skin.

10. Stress and other mental health issues

We all know mental health has a direct effect on our hormones, which eventually affects our skin.

If you mind you are going through stress or any other emotions, your hormones will fluctuate, which can cause over-sebum production making your skin oily

That is what happens in the case of acne as well! Over-sebum production occurring due to hormone changes leads to acne or inflammation.

It is important to take note of your mental health and manage it

11. Certain medications

Medications affect our body and hormone levels.

Certain medications such as birth control pills and steroids can increase oil production.

If your skin suddenly feels oily, look at if there are any medications you started using recently that may have contributed to your skin!

It’s important to note that while oily skin can be frustrating, it also has some benefits, such as being less prone to wrinkles and fine lines.

However, if your oily skin is causing discomfort or self-consciousness, there are several steps you can take to manage it,

Few Ways to Manage Oily Skin

I have oily skin, and while trying to manage my skin, I have learned a few things that can help!

So, If you have oily skin, there are several things you can do to help manage it:

1) Use a gentle cleanser:

Choose a milf gentle cleanser that won’t strip your skin of its natural oils. Avoid harsh scrubs or exfoliants, as they can actually stimulate your skin to produce more oil.

2) Use an oil-free or non-comedogenic moisturizer:

If you are struggling with oily skin, use an oil-free gel-based moisturizer to help your skin feel light yet moisturized! And non-comedogenic products to avoid clogging your pores!

4) Use blotting papers:

Keep blotting papers or a powder compact on hand to help control shine throughout the day.

5) Avoid heavy or oily cosmetics:

When it comes to cosmetics, make sure they are not too heavy, as oily skin will easily wash them away.

Go for lightweight and more powder cosmetics that can stay longer and not increase the oiliness in your skin

6) Eat a healthy diet:

Eating a healthy, balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help to regulate your skin’s oil production.

Avoiding processed and sugary foods can also help. A diet high in fruits, vegetables, and lean protein can help regulate oil production.

7) Stay hydrated:

Drinking plenty of water can help flush toxins from your body and keep your skin hydrated.

8) Manage stress:

Try to manage your stress level, as it can trigger an increase in oil production, so finding ways to manage stress, such as exercise or meditation, can be helpful.

9) Consult a professional

If your oily skin is giving you too much discomfort or is not manageable after trying everything, consider visiting a dermatologist!

10) Choose the right sunscreen:

If your skin is oily, ideally most of your products should be lightweight and gel-based.
Go for a lightweight, oil-free sunscreen that won’t clog your pores or make your skin feel greasy.

11) Avoid touching your face

If you touch your face too often, the oil on your fingers can transfer to your face making it oily and acne prone!


So, these were some common causes of oily skin, and I hope the tips help you manage your skin well!

At the end of the day, accept how your skin is, but always try to educate and learn about your skin.

Every skin is different what worked for others may or may not work for you.

Try to find something that works and helps your skin!

I can totally relate to the struggle of oily skin, and even after trying all these, at times when the climate is too hot.

My skin does end up feeling, uncomfortable, and I have learned to accept it with time.

This Post was all about Common Causes of Oily Skin

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Causes of Oily Skin

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