Is it Bad to Touch your Skin a lot for Acne + How to Stop Touching your Skin?
Is it Bad to Touch Your Skin a Lot for acne? Let’s find out!

Touching our face is very habitual for all of us, when we sit, we sometimes put our hands on our chin for support.
While thinking or doing anything random, touching our face is just so obvious, in our day-to-day life.
It is definitely for me! I find myself touching my face without realizing it for a long time.
Especially if you love skincare, and love putting a nice and smooth cream on your face!
But have you ever wondered if, Is it Bad to Touch your Skin a lot for Acne?
If you have not wondered, I am sure you must have heard it from someone
but is it a myth or fact?
I have acne-prone skin, and In this post, I will clear up the confusion about, if Is it Bad to Touch your Skin a lot for Acne or not!
I will also share some times that helped me stop this habit!
Let’s begin!
Is it Bad to Touch Your Skin a Lot for acne?
First, to clear out the confusion,
yes, it is bad or says not a good idea to touch your face whether you have acne or not!
If you do have acne-prone skin, then it is for sure a strict no!
Here are a few reasons why

7 Reasons why touching your skin is causing or worsening your acne
1. It can transfer dirt/ germs or bacteria to your face.
We usually use our hands to touch our faces the most right?
And we use our hands 24/7 for doing all things in the world and touching various things that contain all kinds of germs, dirt, and bacteria.
From going outside and touching doors and handles which may have been in contact with dirt and pollution and other people’s dirty hands
Eventually leads to making our hands.
This is why we were always taught to wash our hands before eating. The same goes for our faces too
Our face is more sensitive upon touching a face with hands or fingers. The dirt can get transferred to your face
apart from that, other things like our phone screen, when talking on the call it touching your face, and the dirt on the phone screen gets transferred
Which can result and build over time. It is not hygienic and on top of that can result in bumps, breaks, and acne or texture in the long run which I talk about more in the below point
2. It can Clog your pores

Once your face is in contact with germs and bacteria, it can clog your pores.
Now once our pores get clogged, they can make our skin oily, and cause blackheads, whiteheads, and acne
which is obviously not good
If it happens once, it may not instantly show in the form of oil to acne but a constant habit can definitely clog your pores and result in acne and blackheads.
3. If you have acne or a pimple, It can worse it
When you already have acne-prone skin and there are few pimples or breakouts on your face.
Any contact with bacteria, dirt, or germs can worsen it and spread it more!
That’s why it is advised to not touch your face when you have acne especially!
It can lead to more pimples in the end
4. If you have oily skin, it can make it more oily

Since oily skin, is due to over-sebum production and which also occurs due to clogged pores
Once your pores get clogged due to any bacteria or dirt. It will produce more oil and make your skin oily
5. It can trigger breakouts
Many people who have always had clear skin, suddenly get a lot of breakouts and they wonder why
While there are plenty of reasons for that to happen, One of which is touching your face
Our hands, phone screens, and even pillow covers get in contact with so many germs and bacteria throughout the day
When our face gets in contact with it.
It can result in breakouts.
That has been the case for many people, and you will see that they get those breakouts only on side of the face because that area got in contact with a germ or bacteria
6. Popping your acne is a complete NO

Of course when we’re talking about touching our face, one of the most common things found is girls tend to pop their pimples.
It is a complete no! Popping your pimples can cause scarring and result in more acne.
No good can come out of it!
So make sure, you never pop a pimple
7. Touching your mouth, nose, or eyes can transfer flu
Apart from skincare reasons, anything getting in contact with your face – nose eyes, and mouth can also cause flu.
Now you know it is Bad to Touch Your Skin a Lot for acne, let’s look at the solution that can help you avoid touching your face a lot!
How to Stop Touching Your skin for acne – 13 helpful ways
1. Clean your Phone screen multiple times a day.

Our phone screens can get really dirty and should be cleaned regularly! We talk on the phone for hours!
The phone screen is in direct contact with our face and can easily transfer germs and bacteria.
Make sure you clean your screen regularly
2. Keep your hands clean whenever possible
Apart from my phone, I personally find my hands touching my face often
As we talked about before, our hands get in contact with all kinds of germs and dirt throughout the day
and touching our face is a very subconscious behavior, we do not realize
Make sure to keep your hands clean as much as possible!
Keep a sanitizer nearby for that
3. Keep your hands busy

If you tend to touch your face with your hands a LOT, then the best way to avoid touching is to keep your hands busy at all times!
4. Ask someone to call you out
It’s a new habit that you are trying to eliminate, so it’s going to be hard to remember it!
Asking your friends or family member and explaining to them your situation can help you!
Ask them to call you out when your touch your face without realizing it. This is will help you in the beginning.
Don’t feel shy, just go for it!
5. Be mindful

The only way that will work for a lifetime is to be mindful of your habits. Become conscious of your habits and when you tend to get into contact with your face.
Certain habits to be conscious of
- Making sure your hands are cleaned
- Making sure your phone screen is cleaned before you take a call
- Being aware of what other thing you are getting your face in contact with
6. Observe your triggers
What makes you touch your face? Are there any patterns or behaviors that lead to it?
For example: for many touching your face is a sign of nervousness or stress
It can be any other reasons that we need to look out for!
Observe those behaviors and realize what triggers
This will help you eliminate and find the solution!
7. Set a reminder
There are so many smart apps that remind you from when you will get your period, to sending positive affirmations throughout the day
Set a reminder like that constantly sends you throughout the day.
This is will help you in the starting and remind you constantly which is great
8. Always wear sunscreen and apply moisturizer

Okay, not touching your face is very subconscious. Sometimes you may end up touching and realize afterward that you have to touch for some reason.
For prevention, it is better to always wear sunscreen and moisturizer as they both help in protecting your skin by adding a protective layer!
9. Substitute the Behavior with other practices
usually, when our hands are bored we tend to touch our faces, Try substituting the behavior with something and find something you can do instead
of having something to play with maybe? I know it sounds kiddish, but we all tend to do this
10. Keep a Tissue around
Keep a tissue around with you, so if you did get your face touched with anything that may contain dirt or bacteria.
You can instantly wipe with a tissue!
11. Use a scented hand balm or scent

If you tend to touch your hands a lot on your cheeks or face in general, Then using a scented balm or perfume on your hands can help!
Every time you try to touch your face with your hands, the smell will remind you to not do it!
12 Pin your hair back
If you have dandruff, then you can get breakouts or acne
Hair can easily get in touch with the face in front or down, so it’s better to pin them back to avoid any contact with your skin!
13. Keep your make-up brushes Clean
Apart from our hands and phone screen, and pillow covers, we use Makeup brushes on our face
It is a very common reason for people’s breakouts and textured skin!
Makeup brushes, if not cleaned can clog your pores and lead to acne!
Make sure they are always cleaned before using
These were all my best tips for learning if This Post wall about Is it Bad to Touch Your Skin a Lot for acne and how to avoid touching your face and keep your skin healthy and glowing!
I hope you found this informative!
Skincare is such a vast topic, and there is so much that goes around in achieving healthy skin.
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