81 Powerful Saturday affirmations to start off Weekend right

Feeling tired around the weekend? or looking for inspiration to have a great Saturday? then, These Positive Saturday affirmations are all you need!

Powerful Saturday affirmations to start off Weekend right

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Saturdays can be amazing for some, while the low for others. Either way, it is beautiful today make it count!

Starting off your weekend right is important to set the energy for both days. We have spent all weekdays working, hustling morning to night, and finally, it is time de-stress

Practicing self-care on Saturday, Is essential to get off all the stress and feel relaxed. If you are looking and wondering how can i practice self-care on Saturday, Here is a post sharing 79 Amazing Self-care Saturday Ideas To Try Right Now

if you are working this Saturday, do not feel discouraged, not everyone’s day is the same

At the end of the day, it is another day, and it depends on what we make out of it. If you are working, then take it as an opportunity that is helping you grow

While, if it is your off day and you feel guilty for not working, It is time for you to let it go. Take this day to relax mentally and clear your mind!

Powerful Saturday affirmations to start off Weekend right

These Saturday Affirmations will help you get into the zone and feel better!

Let’s get started!

Saturday Morning Affirmations

  1. I woke up today with gratitude
  2.  I love Saturday! I get off-day from work!
  3.  I feel positive about my day today
  4.  I give myself time to relax and do what I need
  5.  Today is the day for me
  6.  I will make space for silence and peace
  7.  I will devote a little time to personal growth
  8.  I will love myself today and every day
  9.  I am grateful that Saturdays exist
  10.  I am thrilled to start my weekend
  11.  I will spend time at home if I need to
  12.  I will choose this day to go out If I feel like
  13.  I feel energized today
  14.  I will take my Saturday mornings slow
  15.  This Saturday is calm and soothing
  16.  Today is a new day for a fresh start
  17.  I will make time today for self-reflection
  18.  I feel beautiful
  19.  I feel relaxed
  20.  I will get cozy in bed today
  1.  I deserve to relax
  2.  I am filled with joy
  3.  This Saturday, I will let go of the worries that drain me
  4.  Saturday is all about self-care
  5.  I am blessed and privileged
  6.  I am strong
  7.  I am happy to spend time alone
  8.  I get to spend time with family
  9.  I am where I need to be
  10.  I will make time for health today
  11.  I have everything I need to create a beautiful day
  12.  I am excited to make my favorite breakfast today
  13.  I love myself
  14.  I am fulfilled and abundant
  15.  Saturdays are happy days
  16.  I love Saturday mornings
  17.  I can relieve all my stress this Saturday
  18.  I can be myself today
  19.  I love to work on Saturdays
  20.  I can make a little time for a side hustle today
  21.  I will chill on Saturdays
  22.  I don’t need to work if I don’t want to
  23.  Saturdays are all about connecting with myself
  24.  I will go for a nature walk
Powerful Saturday affirmations to start off Weekend right

Saturday Positive Affirmations

  1. I will go for a nature walk this Saturday
  2.  I am on the right path
  3.  Resting today will help me conquer tomorrow
  4.  Every day, I get better and better
  5.  I have been working on Saturdays and that is good for me!
  6.   I have all that I’ve always wanted in life.
  7.  I am proud of my growth
  8.  I will make the most out of Saturdays
  9.  I will work on Saturday too
  10.   I am in tune with my body this Saturday.
  11.  I am happy
  12.  I do not need to compare my Saturday with others
  13.  It is okay if I don’t feel like doing anything today
  14.  It’s just another day!
  15.  I will be kinder to myself
  16.  Self-care is my top priority
  17.  The weekend is just getting started!
  18.  I will be mindful of my day today
  19.  I will surround myself with high vibration
  20.  I will keep hustling on Saturdays!
Powerful Saturday affirmations to start off Weekend right
  1.  I am enough
  2.  Saturdays are therapeutic
  3.  I will not let my thoughts take over my day
  4.  I am giving my body and mind rest
  5.  I am already living my dream life
  6.  I will today to discover myself more
  7.  I will tap into astrology and manifestation
  8.  At this moment, I am exactly where I am meant to be.
  9.  Practicing affirmations is a sign I am working on myself
  10.  I am getting better and healthier
  11.  I welcome all opportunities today
  12.  I feel rested
  13.  Saturday helps me to figure out things I need to do during the week.
  14.  Today’s rest is tomorrow’s success.
  15.  I love weekends!
  16.  I love how I feel right now.
  17.  Every Saturday is a fun day for me.

Final Thoughts

Every Saturday I encourage you to take some time for yourself. Whether you are working, not working, at home, or out. Be grateful and make time for yourself

Take a few minutes to do what you love!

Happy Saturday!

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