
101+ Positive Christmas Affirmations for the Best Holiday Season 2023

Make the best of this holiday season and get through the holidays with a positive spirit by practicing these 101 Christmas positive affirmations

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Are you feeling anxious and overwhelmed as the holiday season- Christmas is approaching?

Christmas is a beautiful time of the year but not everybody has the holly jolly experience!

No matter what you are going through or making you feel overwhelmed, you can still have the best holiday with these 60 Christmas Positive Affirmations!

These Positive affirmations for Christmas are great for everyone to brighten up the holiday spirit and make your holiday season filled with gratitude and joy!

How and Why Use Christmas Positive Affirmations?

Affirmations have proven to improve mood, reduce anxiety and feel good all in all.

Christmas affirmations will help you get through stressful times that life can bring in this time1

To Practice Affirmations, you can write them daily or say them out loud in the morning or whenever needed.

Christmas positive affirmations

If you are looking for ways to prioritize self-care during Christmas – here are 12 days of Christmas self-care ideas (+ Printable)

20 Christmas Positive Affirmations

  1. I will make the best out of this holiday season
  2. I will celebrate this Christmas in my own ways
  3. I am surrounded by people who love me
  4. I deserve to enjoy this season
  5. I will make the most out of this time
  6. I prioritize self-love at top
  7. I am doing enough
  8. I will give more time and space tp that lifts my energy
  9. This Christmas is all about love and growth for me
  10. I will take this opportunity to give others some kindness and warmth
  11. This Christmas is all about connection and not gifts
  12. The quality of people matters to me more than the number of people
  13. I will enjoy the cozy relaxed holiday season
  14. I am surrounded by lights of Christmas everywhere
  15. I will protect my energy before protecting others
  16. I welcome all abundance and happiness this season brings me
  17. I will take this time to feel grateful for all the blessings I received
  18. I create memories that I can look back to
  19. Celebration means taking off’s and having fun
  20. This season is extra special

Gratitude Christmas Affirmations

  1. I am grateful to experience this time of year
  2. I am filled with gratitude for the magic of Christmas.
  3. I am thankful for the life I live.
  4. I am thankful for this present moment.
  5. I am grateful for the abundance that flows into my life this holiday season
  6. I am grateful for things much deeper than gifts
  7. I am grateful for the opportunity to celebrate another Christmas with my loved ones.
  8.  I will take time each day to count my blessings.
  9. The blessings in my life are plentiful.
  10. I am grateful for the opportunity to give and receive this holiday season.
  11. I am grateful for the blessings of the past year and the opportunities ahead.
  12. Gratitude comes naturally to me.
  13. I am grateful for the love and connections that enrich my life this holiday.
  14. I am thankful for the joy and connections that brighten my holiday.
  15. I am thankful for Christmas traditions.
  16. My life is improved through gratitude.
  17. I am thankful for the memories I create and the moments I share this holiday.
  18. Holiday season is something to always feel thankful for
  19. My life is abundant and, for that, I am grateful.
  20. Thankful for the unity the world brings in this season

20 Affirmations for Happy Christmas

  1. I create cherished memories with my loved ones this holiday season.
  2. At the end of the day, I always have to spend time and celebrate
  3. I will focus on being present in the moment rather than comparing
  4. I am thankful for the people around me this holiday season
  5. Christmas brings me a fresh start and light
  6. I know good things will come my way
  7. I am excited to share laughter and happiness with family and friends.
  8. Boundaries are my best friends
  9. Saying ”No’ is a blessing
  10. I will be gentle with myself
  11. I trust god and the universe
  12. I wish to share happiness with others this season
  13. I will feel happy and grateful while eating all my favorite treats
  14. I do not need to spend money to enjoy the season
  15. My home will be my happy space this Christmas
  16. I welcome only positivity
  17. I will prioritize real life and take a social media break
  18. I make my own Christmas traditions more than what society wants
  19. The holiday is much more than gifts and shopping
  20. I don’t depend on anything to have a wonderful time
  21. I am connecting to myself deeper and deeper

20 Merry Christmas Affirmations

  1. There is always something to be thankful for
  2. The lights and festive theme lights up my soul
  3. I can enjoy the season without feeling anxious or overwhelmed
  4. I choose to work on myself and grow
  5. I am open to new beginnings and what god has stored for me
  6. I find happiness in small little joys
  7. I am loved
  8. I will not focus on past or bad things but positive
  9. I will stay true to myself
  10. I focus on what lesson the season brings me than loss
  11. It’s the thought that counts
  12. I forgive and let go of what’s burdening me
  13. I refuse guilt and any negative emotion to ruin my Christmas
  14. My Christmas is not about social media but real life joy
  15. I will gain more by giving
  16. The most beautiful gift is gift of love
  17. I wish good health and happiness to other
  18. I am ready for everything that god has in stored for me
  19. Abundance is flowing to me in this season
  20. I radiate love and kindness to everyone around me during the holidays.
  21. I am open to receiving, now

General Merry Christmas Affirmations

  1. I find beauty and wonder in the smallest moments of Christmas.
  2. I am at peace with the past and look forward to the future this holiday.
  3. I let go of stress and embrace the tranquility of the Christmas season.
  4. My loved ones will love me regardless of my gifts – and I, them.
  5. I choose to see the good in every person and situation this Christmas.
  6. I am a conduit of love, spreading goodwill and compassion.
  7. I release any worries and focus on the present moment during Christmas.
  8. I am worthy of enjoying holiday meals.
  9. I am present in the now, embracing the magic of Christmas.
  10. I release any negativity and focus on the joyous moments of Christmas.
  11. Christmas is my special day and I have the freedom to spend it how I choose
  12. I am centered and balanced despite what the holiday season throws at me.
  13. I give myself permission to enjoy time off.
  14. The love I give is the most important part of the season.
  15.  allow myself to enjoy all aspects of the holiday – including treats and meals.
  16. I gain happiness by making others happy this Christmas.
  17. I have permission to opt-out of gift-giving.
  18. Everything will work out for me this Christmas.
  19. I deserve to treat myself.

So, these were 60 affirmations to help you have an amazing Christmas time!

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