17 Calm morning routine habits to start your day with ease

Not everyone wants to start their morning rushed and super productive, Sometimes morning are all about relaxing and slowing down! if that’s you, Here are Calm morning routine habits you will love!

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Do you like to have a peaceful start to your day, waking up with calm and getting into your daily work slowly?

Allowing your mind and body to feel energised but gently?

I love these kinds of morning too!

I feel in todays world where everything is moving so fas, find a moment of calm in your morning, right after you wake up

Can do wonders for your health

for many people, rushed and stressful morning are the reason for high long term stress in their life

Having a calm morning routine does not mean its unproductive or unintentional.

In fact, in my opinion building calm morning routine habits can be more intentional than others which also help your mind and body to stay stress -free!

How?? Here are few reasons to have calm mornings!

Reasons to have Calm Morning Routine habits

  • Your morning routine is the most important part of your day as it sets the toner your entire day.
  • If you have lazy morning there are higher chances of having a lazy day too, so how you start your morning clearly affects your entire quality of the DAY
  • A calm morning routine can help your nervous system to stay regulated, create a positive feeling that sets a positive approach to the day
  • The calm morning routine habits we do help us plan our day even much better, making us more productive!
  • It is essential to give yourself some alone time before you begin working, It helps you connect with yourself, feel good and happy mentally!

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Calm morning routine habits

Cultivating Calm Morning Routine habits

A tranquil morning sets the tone for the entire day. Here’s a guide to help you create a peaceful start:

1. Mindful Awakening

The first key thing about building a calm morning routine is to implement mindful awakening,

Waking up in a way that is peaceful for your mind and nervous system, here are few things to do

  1. Avoid alarms that jolt you awake. Opt for softer sounds like nature or soft music.
  2. Avoid using your phone for 15-30 minutes after waking up – don’t bombard your mind with too much information and let it be awake on its own
  3. Gently stretch your body to awaken your muscles without rushing.
  4. Take slow, deep breaths to oxygenate your body and calm your mind.
  5. With second of waking up, say any 3 positive affirmation eg- ( I am worthy, I am happy, today will be so wonderful)

2. Nourishing Your Body

While your mind is getting awake slowly, let your body be awake and get nourished from all the recovery it did a night before!

  1. Hydration: Start your day with a glass of water to rehydrate your body. as our body losses a lot of water at night during healing process
  2. Gentle Movement: Incorporate light exercise like yoga or a short walk to activate the muscle and give your body some energy
  3. Mindful Eating: Enjoy a nutritious breakfast without distractions. within 2 hours of waking up is good for health and ensures a healthy mindset too

3. Nourishing your mind – Mental Clarity and Gratitude

Our mind is the most important in creating a intentional day, it is essential to give some time in doing mental work and find a moment of calm before the rush begins

  1. Journaling: Spend few minutes in the morning connecting with your innersole, Write about your thoughts, feelings, or gratitude to clear your mind.
  2. Meditation or breathing: Indulge in few minutes of meditation or deep breathing to calm the nervous system, have a moment of silence with your body
  3. Positive Affirmations: Starting your day with positive statements can boost your mood and help you get things done way better

4. Creating a Serene Environment

Tips for Creating a Peaceful and relaxing home environment

Your environment very much affects your mood, productivity and day! Creating a relaxing environment for yourself can lighten your mood instantly and radiate positivity!

  1. Natural Light: Open curtains to let in natural light, which can improve mood or go out in a park or terrace to get some sunlight and fresh air!
  2. Soothing Sounds: Instead of watching news or reading it, listening to mindless music, Play soft instrumental music, affirmations or nature sounds to create a relaxing atmosphere.
  3. Decluttered Space: A tidy environment contributes to a calm mind and help you get comfortable in your space easily

5. Consume what is good for you

What we consume in the morning sets the tone for the rest of the day and impacts our mood and productivity indirectly

  1. Don’t read newspaper or watch news to avoid any negativity in your head, instead read a self-help book or listen to a good podcast
  2. don’t scroll through your social media and look at anyone’s life and get dopamine hit with SO MUCH INFO, instead focus on being in present moment
  3. Instead of having coffee in the morning empty stomach that affect your gut and crashes your energy, have a protein or herbal drink to maintain energy levels throughout the day

These were 17 simple calm morning habit routine you can develop to start your mornings slow and calm!

Here are few tips to stay Successful in these habits

  • Build Consistency: Regular practice is key to establishing a calming routine.
  • Flexibility: Allow for adjustments based on your mood and schedule.
  • Prioritize Sleep: Ensure you get enough quality sleep for optimal morning performance.
  • Digital Detox: Avoid checking your phone immediately upon waking.

Remember: The goal is to create a routine that resonates with you. Experiment with different activities and find what works best for your well-being.

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Calm morning routine habits

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