
7 Day Self Care Challenge That Will Boost Self Love

After having long hectic work days, a simple 7-Day Self Care Challenge can be extremely helpful in relaxing and can prevent you from feeling exhausted or stuck!

7 Day Self Care Challenge

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Self-care challenge can help you practice and stay consistent with spending quality me-time and give proper care to yourself!

It has been scientifically proven and I have personally experienced, that self care can help you boost self love!

During a period when I felt very insecure and had major self-esteem issues, I decided to start and practiced various self care activities consistently! Over time, I found an increases self love and confidence!

How can I practice self-care every day?

Apart from doing self-care as a challenge, implementing self-care activities every day is essential to provide care and nourishment yourself!

This 7 day self care challenge is a great way to help you implement self-care in day-to-day life!

Want to make self-care a part of your daily life without any hassle?

If you find it difficult to prioritize self-care in your daily. You’ve got to check out my Daily self-care planner journal

it’s jam-packed with 75 pages of self-care daily to-do, tracker, affirmations, and prompts for understanding your self-care needs!

A must-have for helping yourself in taking extra care of yourself

How to do a self-care challenge?

In this 7 day self-care challenge, I have given one activity for each day you can do.

This challenge is perfect to do when you need a break from work after a long time and want to feel refreshed!

Here is 7 Day Self Care Challenge to boost self love

Day 1: Pamper Yourself

If you have been working nonstop for many days or weeks, chances are you did not spend much time dressing up, putting on a mask, haircare and just the basic pamper routine we all girls do!

After completing long hours of work, I find myself usually with oily unwashed hair, lots of stressed pimples, and in PJs! What instantly helps me feel refreshed, and clean, is pampering myself thoroughly!

Putting on masks, washing my hair, doing a nice skincare routine, and dressing up in a cute yet comfortable outfit!

Going a little extra by even getting a haircut if it’s been long and painting my nails! All these little activities really adds up!

Day 2: Journal

This is one of my favorite ways to feel light when I am filled with negative thoughts or too many emotions! I journal out my feelings and practice some prompts to stay connected within.

If I had been feeling down then, writing things I am grateful for and some affirmations as well! You just have to take a minimum of 30 minutes from your day to do journaling!

To get in-depth about journaling and affirmations and practice, I have a few posts in which I share journal prompts and tools I use for both affirmations and journaling! Check Below

Day 3: Take a Day Off

Taking a day off is not unproductive. You will be energizing your soul and giving it what it needs! We all need a day- where we can just lie down and do whatever we want but work!

I personally love taking these and find myself energized for the next day, I spend time taking ample rest, watching a show, or just doing nothing!

Day 4: Go out to your Favourite Place

Today, take time and hang out in your favourite café with friends/family! Eating my favorite meal while talking with friends instantly makes up the day!

It is easy to hang around in your city and visit your go-to place as a part of self-care

DAY 5: Exercise

When we are working nonstop, we hardly pay attention to our health and fitness, since I do desk work, most of my time is spent sitting at a desk and working! There is not much physical activity and it affects your body!

Hence, doing even a simple 10-minute home workout will help your body and boost your mode as well!

DAY 6: Meet your loved ones

When feeling down and worried, meeting up your loved ones is what you need! They will help in comforting you and make you happy!

Have deep and fun conversations with them, play games or have a fun day out! There so many things you can do with them to bond and feel joy!

DAY 7: Treat Yourself

Lastly, nothing more satisfying than treating yourself with something good to lift yourself up! It can be as small as an item and as big as a vacation?!

You should feel guilty for treating your self and doing what makes you happy! So many times, we feel guilty for doing something nice to ourself but in reality, if we don’t do it, then who will?

Treating yourself is a self-love activity that everyone deserves!

Can this 7-day self care challenge be change around?

Yes totally! This was just a basic challenge from my perspective, you can make changes and do it as per your wish!

At the end of the day, what matters is practicing self-care that makes you feel good!

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7 Day Self Care Challenge
7 Day Self Care Challenge


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