how to set weekly goals with examples of weekly goals

how to set weekly goals with examples of weekly goals

Setting weekly goals is a great way to accomplish your yearly goals and create your dream life. Learn how to set weekly goals with examples of weekly goals.

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At the start of the new year, we all set our goals and create a vision of what we want to achieve, but it’s hardly ever that we end up making these goals a reality!

The main reason behind it is that our long-term life goals, or yearly goals, we think we have a lot of time as we begin the year.

The goals are big, which makes it difficult for us to understand how to achieve these goals.

But with the help of weekly goals, you can truly accomplish your goals!

Trust me, if you had failed multiple times in achieving your dreams or vision you had created once. Weekly goals will help you!

So, let’s first understand,

Why should you set weekly goals?

As I mentioned above, by setting weekly goals, you are more likely to achieve your long-term goals, that is because-

1. Weekly goals helps you get clarity

Our long-term/ yearly goals are massive, and trying to achieve them can feel challenging for us

Because we don’t know where to begin and how.

But with weekly goals, you can set clear goals for each week that can help you accomplish your main goals in the end.

You get clarity on what you need to do this week to get closer to your long-term plans

2. Easy to accomplish micro goals

A macro goal, or a yearly goal, can feel hard to accomplish, but a micro goal, feels easier to accomplish

For example: if your main goal is to start and run a successful business.

This goal may seem challenging to achieve and requires a lot of time and work. It may make you feel anxious as well because the bigger picture looks far away, and you don’t know how to get there

However, if you set weekly goals like this

1st Week: Set Product category and ideas for business

2nd Week: Create a budget for business

3rd Week: Look for manufacturers and sellers under your budget

4th Week: Meeting with Wholesalers

5th Week: Setting up website design

And so on! Each weekly goal feels easy to accomplish. It does not overwhelm you at all!

That’s why setting weekly goals is better to achieve your macro goals!

3. Easy to track and fix the mistake

In your journey to your main goal, you can make many mistakes, which in the long term, can affect your desired goal.

If you don’t notice or fix your mistake in time, it can affect your goal

But in the case of weekly goals, as you put your main focus on this week’s task, if you do end up making a mistake

You can easily track it and fix it!

The most it will affect will be our 1-2 weekly goals and period. But it will end up saving, your yearly goal, and it’s hard work!

4. Weekly Goals feel easy and manageable to follow.

Weekly goals are less likely to make you procrastinate, as the tasks will be easy and manageable

When the task or goals feel too huge and you don’t know where to begin because there is so much to do

It can make you feel anxious and doubt yourself and your goals

But A weekly goal is just 7 days, and you have set a small goal for the week

which seems easy to do as compared to your main long-term goal!

So these were the main reasons why everyone should set weekly goals! Now, let’s know how to set your weekly goals correctly!

how to set weekly goals with examples of weekly goals

how to set weekly goals with examples of weekly goals

1. List down you main life goals/ long-term goal/ yearly goals

The first step is to know your goals, what are your long-term goals you want to achieve, or your main for this year.

Write them all down! What do you want to achieve the most right now? In which area of your life you want to focus and get results in

2. Prioritize your goal

You might have 2-3 or even more goals you wish to achieve, however, it’s not realistic to achieve all of them when you are starting!

That’s why it’s best to start with only one goal and focus on it.

And, so from the list of goals you wrote down, choose 1-2 maximum you want to focus on mainly.

3. List the tasks needed to achieve the goal.

Now that you know that one or two goals you want to accomplish. List each task that you need to do to get there

Breakdown all the tasks and steps you need to take

As I mentioned in the example above, starting and running a successful business. There are many tasks you need to take

  • Understanding the niche you want to work on
  •  Market research on products
  •  Deciding on products
  •  Finding vendors
  •  Setting e-commerce website
  •  Getting raw materials

There are several steps needed to do, so list them all down

4. Divide the tasks into micro-weekly goals

Now, you know all the step-by-step things you need to get there and accomplish your main goal.

Simply, divide all the tasks on a weekly goal basis, so you give your focus on each task, every week.

You can go as micro and detailed as you prefer for each goal so it feels achievable and realistic to achieve.

For example:

1st Week: Set Product category and ideas for business

2nd Week: Create a budget for business

3rd Week: Look for manufacturers and sellers under your budget

4th Week: Meeting with Wholesalers

5th Week: Setting up website design

And so on! Each weekly goal feels easy to accomplish. It does not overwhelm you at

130+ Example of weekly goals –

Now If you want to simply set weekly goals as a way to better yourself and start your growth journey.

These 130 examples can work as ideas for you to take inspiration from and set these goals for yourself!

I have divided these examples into 7 areas of goal setting in each area of life! If you wish to focus on one area you can take it as an inspiration

Goals for Nutrition and Physical Health

  1. Eating rainbow meals every day
  2.  Drinking 10 glasses of water
  3.  Eating at least 2 meals every day at home
  4.  No sugar for a week
  5.  incorporating green veggies in every meal for a week
  6.  Cook your meals
  7.  Nor drinking coffee for a week
  8.  Prioritize eating ENOUGH.
  9.  Healthy meal prep
  10.  Checking your vitamins and minerals
  11.  Exercising 10 minutes a day for a week
  12.  Stretch for 10 minutes every day 
  13.  Try a new form of movement this week.
  14.  Achieve a certain number of steps or distance walked each day.
  15.  Track your food intake in a journal or app all week.
  16.  Avoid alcohol or limit it to a specific number of days this week.
  17.  Practice mindful eating during every meal.
  18.  Cut out processed foods from your diet for the week.
  19.  Reduce screen time by an hour each day.
  20.  Go for a nature hike or walk in a park this weekend.

Mental health weekly goals

  1. Journaling every day for a week
  2.  Practicing Affirmations for a week
  3.  Getting enough sleep
  4.  Meditate or practice deep breathing for 10 minutes daily.
  5.  Doing new self-care practices every day for a week
  6.  Trying a new hobby each week
  7.  Spending me-time
  8.  No screen day
  9.  Take yourself on a date.
  10.  Go out of the house and get sunlight
  11.  Seek help and support for mental health concerns.
  12.  Manage stress and practice mindfulness.
  13.  Take breaks and schedule downtime.

Goals for Work

  1. Creating a weekly to-do list
  2. respond to all emails
  3. Setting Important meeting days
  4. getting 1:1 mentorship
  5. Show up on time
  6. Complete pending task this week
  7. Brainstorming future plan this week
  8. Set clear and achievable work-related goals for the week.
  9. Organize your workspace or declutter your digital files.
  10. Reach out to a colleague or mentor for guidance.
  11. Attend a professional development webinar or seminar.
  12. Complete a specific project or task at work.
  13. Update your resume or LinkedIn profile.
  14. Seek feedback from your supervisor or peers.
  15. Research and apply for a new job opportunity.
  16. Take a break from work during weekends to recharge.
  17. Identify and work on improving a specific skill relevant to your job.

Relationship Goals

  1. Reach out to a friend or family member you haven’t talked to in a while.
  2. Plan a date night or quality time with your significant other.
  3. Attend a social event or meetup.
  4. Make an effort to meet new people or network.
  5. Send a handwritten letter or thank-you note to someone.
  6. Practice active listening during conversations.
  7. Resolve a conflict with a loved one.
  8. Organize a virtual or in-person gathering with friends.
  9. Strengthen your relationship with a family member.
  10. Volunteer or contribute to a charitable cause.

Educational Goals

  1. Take an online course or enroll in a class.
  2. Learn a new language or practice a language you’re studying.
  3. Watch educational documentaries or TED Talks.
  4. Read articles or watch videos on a topic you’re curious about.
  5. Study for an upcoming exam or certification.
  6. Join a book club or reading group.
  7. Explore a new field of interest or hobby.
  8. Attend a lecture or educational event.
  9. Write a research paper or essay on a chosen topic.
  10. Teach someone else something you’ve learned.

Personal development Goals

  1. Read one book or complete a certain number of pages.
  2. Learn a new skill or hobby.
  3. Practice a musical instrument for 30 minutes daily.
  4. Write in a gratitude journal every morning.
  5. Set aside time for daily journaling or creative writing.
  6. Identify and work on overcoming a specific fear or phobia.
  7. Take an online course or attend a workshop.
  8. Improve time management skills by setting daily schedules.
  9. Complete a DIY project at home.
  10. Practice public speaking or communication skills.
  11. Work on boosting your self-confidence.
  12. Set clear boundaries with others in your life.
  13. Focus on positive self-talk and eliminate negative thoughts.
  14. Try a new form of art or creative expression.
  15. Start a blog or YouTube channel.
  16. Research and plan for a future career change.
  17. Develop a new daily routine or habit.
  18. Cultivate a growth mindset.
  19. Create a vision board for your goals and dreams.
  20. Set specific goals for personal or professional growth.

Financial Goals:

  1. Create or update your monthly budget.
  2. Save a specific amount of money this week.
  3. Pay off a certain debt or bill.
  4. Research and invest in a new financial opportunity.
  5. Open a savings account or investment account if you don’t have one.
  6. Set a spending limit for discretionary expenses.
  7. Review and update your retirement savings plan.
  8. Cut unnecessary expenses for the week.
  9. Start an emergency fund.
  10. Find a side hustle or gig for extra income.

Adulting Goal ideas

  1. Clean and maintain your living space.
  2. Create a budget-friendly grocery list.
  3. Track your sleep.
  4. Grocery shopping and meal planning.
  5. Laundry and clothing care.
  6. Home organization and decluttering.
  7. Yard work or garden maintenance (if you have a yard).
  8. Keep software and devices up to date.
  9. Protect your online accounts with strong, unique passwords.
  10. Safeguard personal information and be aware of cybersecurity risks.
  11. Back up important data and files regularly.

Weekly Goal Ideas for Fun

  1. Plan a road trip to explore nearby towns and attractions.
  2. Visit a national park or natural wonder.
  3. Explore your own city or town as a tourist.
  4. Take a spontaneous day trip to a nearby destination.
  5. Try local cuisine or dishes unique to a region.
  6. Document your travels through photography or journaling.
  7. Attend a cultural festival or event.
  8. Stay in accommodations you’ve never tried before (e.g., a cabin, yurt, or treehouse).
  9. Go on a hiking or camping adventure.
  10. Take a guided tour or excursion to learn about a new place.
  11. Create a piece of artwork or craft.
  12. Write a poem, short story, or song.
  13. Experiment with a new artistic medium or technique.
  14. Start a sketch or art journal.
  15. Design a personal or family crest.
  16. Create a vision board for your creative goals.
  17. Collaborate with another artist on a project.
  18. Order/shop for new books!
  19. Host a game night with friends.


So this is how to set weekly goals with examples of weekly goals for you get inspiration from and choose you weekly goals smartly!

In the end whatever your goal is to choose, it’s important that you stick to and follow it consistently! Only then you can see the results!

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