
100 Positive Vision Board Affirmations + Free Printable

If you are looking for some positive affirmations to put on your Vision board, you are at the right place! In this post I share over 100 Vision board affirmations and also there is a free printable for you to download as well! Stay tuned!

Vision Board Affirmations

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What Are Affirmations?

Affirmations are positive statements that we speak to ourselves to reinforce positive beliefs!

You see, Our beliefs create our reality because on the bases of our beliefs we take certain actions and we fear certain things which makes us hesitant to try things we want to

For example: if growing up you always hard that starting a business is risky and unsafe, then overtime that statements becomes a negative affirmation in your life that become your belief

Because of which, you become hesitant to start a business even though deep down you want to, you keep thinking its unsafe and such a risky step to take and thousand other negative thoughts around it

This is where positive affirmations comes into place, to reprogram our mind and the existing negative belief

We repeat the positive statements over and over again and reinforce a new belief.

Like – Starting a business is easy and safe

Slowly your mind starts to believe that yes it’s easy and safe for me to do this and you will be able to get the courage to take action towards it! aka Manifest your dreams!

You can put Affirmations in your vision board around the beliefs you want to set in your life and every time you see those affirmations, subconsciously you mind will absorb this new belief!

Wait what is a vision Board?

A Vision Board is a collage of pictures, quotes, and affirmations combining all your goals for the future in a visual format.

A board where you can put all your dreams and goals, transferring them from your mind ( thoughts) to a visual image

You can see all of them in one place and clearer! It is a mindset manifestation technique to set an intention and work towards your goals.

It reminds you of your purpose for what you do and why you do it.

And with That you combine these two manifestation tools together to create your dream life!

But first, pin it for later!

Vision Board Affirmations

How to Use Affirmations on Your Own Vision Board

It’s very easy to make a vision board. if you have already heard about vision board- you may wonder that “do I need to add affirmations to it too? aren’t they meant to paste images only?”

Nope, while may traditional vision boards you may have only seen images but you can paste affirmations as well!


I always add 3-4 sets of affirmations in my vision board every year!

Here is to use Affirmations on your board now, kets get started!

Step 1: Learn how to make a vision board

Knowing how to make a vision board itself is very important not just for affirmations but to manifest any desire!

There is a very precise way I make my vision board every year and I share that in this post

Step 2:

Download My free Affirmations graphics and print your favourite ones to paste on the board!

I have created a free printable of Vision board affirmations for you that you can use in your board

You can also create your own affirmations if you prefer! Just go to Canva and write your affirmations and download it!

Step 3

Get all your Vision board supplies ready and make sure all the things you need are done!

If you need help, here is my Vision board checklist that I have shared in this post

Step 4: Paste all your images and graphics on the board and its done!!!

My Most Powerful Affirmations I Use for My Vision Board

I have been practicing manifestation for quite some years now and very strictly since past one year and

let me tell you I TRULY believe in the power of affirmations and have been using that in my life everyday and seen amazing results

I also research a lot on manifestation and have heard these affirmations for some powerful manifesting coaches that I am about to share with you

Apart from the affirmations in my free printable, these are some powerful ones you can include in you vision board and day-to day life!

PRO TIP: Don’t get lost what to choose from these so many number of affirmations!

CHOOSE THE ONES that aligns with you dream life the most and you feel the most dawn too

You feel that you need to reinforce this belief in your life right now more than anything and that is it!

100 Best Vision Board Affirmations 2025

Here are 100 best Vision board affirmations for 2025 and I have created beautiful graphics as well that you can use to paste on your boadrd as well!

feel free to download them!

I am living my dream life

Vision Board Affirmations

I already have ________ ( write you desire)

Everything always works out in my favor

I am SO worthy

I am stepping into the powerful year of my life

I am so happy with my life

I am grateful

I am enough just as I am.

Vision Board Affirmations

I am surrounded by love and support.


I am so easy to love

I am in best health ever

Everyday in everyday I am getting healthier and healthier

I always get what I want

Its easy for me to manifest

I am a powerful manifester

Vision Board Affirmations

I am the god of my reality

I am open to the abundance universe has to offer

I am worthy of the blessings In life

Universe show me how much better it can get

Good things are always happening my life

I am a magnet for Wealth and abundnace

I radiate positivity .

I am living my purpose

I attract positivity

I am calm

I love my life

Life keeps getting better everyday

I am thankful for my health.

Making money is so effortless for me

I am nourishing my mind, body, and soul

I am a money magnet

I am my highest self already

The money I spend is always replaced by more

I am loving and caring

I am the most successful ________ ( write your dream career)

Money flows into my life everyday

I make money while I sleep

I don’t chase I attract

These are the affirmations I use the most, I will now share more affirmations for all categories

Vision board affirmations for health

My body is strong and capable.

I move my body with joy and ease.

I nourish my body with healthy foods.

I am healthy and vibrant.

I am healing and recover in

I embrace change and welcome new opportunities.

I radiate positive energy and attract positivity.

I choose joy and happiness every day.

I am constantly growing and evolving.

I am a magnet for opportunities.

I trust the journey and enjoy the process.

I live in the present moment with gratitude.

I am aligned with my highest self.

I celebrate my unique gifts and talents.

I am capable of overcoming any obstacle.

I honor my feelings and express myself authentically.

I trust the timing of my life.

Vision Board Affirmations

I forgive myself and release past mistakes.

I am committed to my goals and dreams.

I am at peace with my past and excited for my future.

I nurture my mind, body, and spirit.

I am in control of my thoughts and emotions.

I trust my intuition and inner wisdom.

I am open to receiving all that life has to offer.

I cultivate healthy relationships.

I am confident in my abilities.

I create my own happiness.

I choose to see the good in every situation.

I let go of limiting beliefs and embrace possibilities.

I attract harmonious relationships.

Everything I want to be, I already am. 

I radiate confidence and self-assurance.

I am grateful for the lessons life teaches me.

I am aligned with my passions and interests.

I am living my dream life now.

My creativity flows freely and effortlessly.

I love and accept myself unconditionally.

I am not afraid of failure, it’s a stepping stone to success.

I am a go-getter and take initiative.

I appreciate all that I have and cultivate gratitude.

I build strong and trusting relationships.

I prioritize my well-being and self-care.

I celebrate my progress and successes.

I become a better version of myself every day.

Why is everything so easy for me to achieve?

I am thankful for my success

I am glowing up from the inside out.

I have a powerful aura.

I accept and love how I look

 My fears do not hold me back

I can do anything I set my mind to

Others’ opinion of me does not define my identity

I accept and embrace who I am becoming every day.

Everything I desire, desires me

Vision Board Affirmations

 I am healthy

My immune system is healthy and strong.

I choose me

my inner beauty shines through.

My happiness comes from within

I am constantly evolving

I release worry about what is out of my control 

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VisionBoard Affirmations
Vision Board Affirmations

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