
How to have more energy in one month- 15 tips

Feeling low and lethargic lately? Looking for help to increase energy and get things done finally, if yes! Here is a post on how to have more energy in one month!

How to have more energy in one month

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There are days or maybe weeks when we feel physically low and does not get any will to do anything at all.

I have been there many times, It can be very exhausting to feel low and struggle to do even the normal day to day things without getting exhausted!

The underlying issue often are not only physical but at times mental too!

If you have been feeling this, know that you are not ALONE!

And if it is something that is happening for more than 2-3 days and you don’t seem to get out of it

Then you must start doing something about it!

In this post, i will exactly share some of the things you can look into and learn how to have more energy in one month

For most people these tips would definitely work like they did with me, but if does not – IT IS BETTER to consult with a doctor and get help!

So lets begin!

Things to know before you learn about how to have more energy in one month!

Before we learn how to build our energy, we should look into the signs that might clear that you are low on energy

Signs you are low on energy:

  • Finding it a challenge to get out of bed and wake up in the morning
  • lack of motivation and drive to do anything or like you used to
  • Feeling tired most or all day
  • Not being to stay awake for a long time like before
  • Social anxiety and getting anti social
  • Feeling brain fog or unable to focus on tasks.
  • Feeling low and depressed most of the day
  • irritability, exhaustion and headache
  • Muscle pain and no urge to your move body

If you relate to any more than 1 one sign than it is clear you might be low on energy and something has changed, like you are not your old usual self

Reasons you are low on energy:

Here are some (not all) reasons that are common for feeling low on energy

  • Unhealthy lifestyle
  • Insomnia, poor sleep schedule or general lack of sleep
  • Nutritional deficiencies like Vitamin D, B12 etc
  • Lack of nutrition due to eating poor diet
  • Stress or burn out
  • High consumption of caffeine or processed food
  • Poor mental health
  • Too much screen time’ or sitting in isolation in one place for too long
  • Poor health habits – drinking too much, smoking and so on
  • Lack of movement throughout the day
  • Medical reasons

So these are some of the reasons why you could be feeling low on energy, Now i will share how to work on eliminating these reasons and build energy!

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How to have more energy in one month

How To Have More Energy In One Month – 15 tips

1. Fix your sleep schedule

Sleep is one of the most common reasons for being low on energy and being unable to focus,

You need to observe your sleep pattern, at what time do you go to bed? how many hours are you sleeping through out the night, how deep your sleep is ( quality of sleep)

Ideally you should go to bed by 10-11pm at most and get 7-8 hours of deep undisturbed sleep!

If you are surviving on 3-4 hours of sleep everyday for days/weeks or months, you are most likely to be feeling tired!

If you struggle to sleep at night try few things to help you go to sleep

  • relax your mind by meditating, reading
  • Have water 2 hours before bed time
  • add magnesium after consulting a professional to help your sleep

2. Matcha over coffee

Coffee might help you feel awake in the beginning and give you that energy boost, but it does not last very long!

You get the coffee crash and jitters very soon! Plus you cannot keep consuming cups and cups of coffee to feel that adrenaline rush to get through the day as too caffeine is going to affect your health poorly in the long run

Leaving your more exhausted! but Matcha is different!

Matcha is a healthy green powder that contain Caffeine but help you sustain energy throughout the day

I recently switched to matcha over coffee and i share the reason why you should too 9 especially if you are low on energy)!

Read here Matcha for Good health: Why I switched to matcha from coffee

3. Move your body!

As mentioned above, Lack of enough movement is also one of the reason why you could be feeling low!

We build energy and strength by moving our body and exercising more!

If you are sitting most of the day or lying down and not moving through out the day or not engaging yourself everyday in 1 hour of active movement (exercise/sports)

You must start!

There needs to be a balance of both exercise and rest in your routine so do not exert yourself with too much exercise either!

4. Hydrate!!!

Of course Hydration is the most important factor is in terms of energy! Our body is 90% water and if you are dehydrated, you are likely to feel low!

Drinks tons of water, mineralized/ fruit infused or electrolytes to get hydration from water, also have leafy greens as they help you absorb water more than liquid!

Here is How to drink more water everyday – 10 realistic tips

5. Get your Vitamins checked!

This is something i found out to be my main reasons when i was feeling low on energy for months,

I got my vitamin D, B12 and calcium and i was deficient in all of them!

Once i started taking the supplements, gradually my energy came up and i started feeling better again!

So for sure you must get as many vitamins checked as possible!

6. Food that gives fuel

You might be eating everyday, but are you eating the foods that actually gives you that fuel? The nutrients, the energy you need?

Eating processed or packaged food all the time and eating meals that are not nutrient dense will give you lack of energy and low drive!

Food affects our mood, body – EVERYTHING!

Please check your diet and start incorporating nutrient dense meals everyday and see in a month how much difference it makes!!!

7. Creating a morning routine

If the start of your morning is scrolling through your phone for hours and eating junk food, you are most likely to feel low, sleepy all day

With no urge to do anything as your brain is stimulated with so much internet consumption and your body wants to lie down

Also being anxious and extremely stressed out in the morning will lead to burn out or feeling exhausted whole day

Where as if you have a healthy, relaxed and productive start to your morning, you are most likely to feel positive and energetic whole day

I have personally experienced this myself many times!!

So fix your morning routine now! i have a bunch of posts on creating morning routine that can help you!

8. Avoid distraction that lowers your energy

Like i mentioned above, distraction like phone and games can stimulate too much eventually lowering your energy!

Note down all the distractions through the day you get which are affecting your day? Observe your day routine and write down everything you

Avoid any distractions that you might be indulging into and see how your energy levels changes!

9. Avoid processed food

Processed food filled with so much chemicals and saturated fat makes your body low on energy and gives no drive to do anything

Maintaining a 80-20% balance is important, that means having 80% of your meals nutrient dense, home cooked and healthy and 20% processed food

10. Manage your stress

Stress has direct affect on our energy levels! it is highly essential that you focus on managing your stress to feel relaxed and get things done

Anxiety. overthinking all of them have direct impact on your mental health, emotional health and physical health that can lower your energy too!

11. Sunlight exposure

Get some natural sunlight each day. Sunlight helps regulate your circadian rhythm, which impacts your sleep-wake cycle and energy levels. Aim for at least 15-30 minutes of unprotected sun exposure in the middle of the day.

12. Take Breaks:

Don’t try to power through the day without taking breaks. Get up and move around every hour or so, even if it’s just for a few minutes.

13. Listen to Your Body:

Pay attention to your body’s signals. If you’re feeling tired, take a break or go to bed earlier. Pushing yourself too hard can lead to burnout.

14. Laugh:

Laughter is a great way to boost your mood and energy levels. Spend time with loved ones who make you laugh, or watch a funny comedy.

15. Manage Medical Conditions:

Certain medical conditions, such as anemia, thyroid problems, and sleep apnea, can cause fatigue. If you’re concerned that a medical condition might be affecting your energy levels, talk to your doctor.

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How to have more energy in one month

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