
150+ Awesome things to do on a rainy day for adults

things to do on a rainy day for adults

Rainy day can often make you feel stressed de to boredom and having nothing to do. Worry not, here are 150+ things to do on a rainy day for adults

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Growing up rainy days was one of my favourite days, I could skip school and spend all the time watching tv cartoons as a kid,

I would meet my neighbour’s friends and play with them or dance in the rain.

I have so many beautiful memories of rain since childhood

But with time as I grew older, I stopped liking rain that much, a part of it came from thinking that mu whole day is wasted and I cannot do anything because it rainy

Especially when it rains consistently for a few days!

Which made me think and list out! all the things one can do during rainy days!

I share 150+ ideas, choose the ones you feel like doing when it rains!

But first, Pin it!

Table of Contents

Things to do on rainy days for adults at home

1. Read a book you’ve been meaning to get to.

Whether it is fiction or non-fiction, enjoy reading a book of your choice, comfortably with the sound of rain in the background

2. Try a new workout routine.

Working out at home is fun too! Use this time to move your body a bit!

3. Do a virtual tour of a famous landmark.
4. Do a digital detox for a few hours.

It is easy to dwell in social media and spend all the time on it when it rains, but trust me there are way better ways things to do during rain!

Take a social media off day and indulge in other things!

5. Cook a fancy dinner for yourself.
things to do on a rainy day for adults
6. Try indoor gardening or potting plants.
7. Create a vision board.

Making Vision Board is honestly such a fun activity and you can easily make it at home

Here are few posts on how to make vision board!

8. Play video games.
9. Write a short story or start a novel.
10. Do a wine or beer tasting at home.
11. Have a picnic indoors.
12. Do home cleaning

You can make use of your time at home to clean your space!

13. Attend a virtual theater performance.
14. Explore a new podcast genre.
15. Make a list of life goals and plans.

Instead of feeling bored, use this time to quietly sit and make lists of your goals and plan!

We always get busy and feel bad that we don’t get time brainstorm and think about future! this is the apt time

16. Explore virtual reality experiences.
17. Have a spa day at home.
18. Make pakoras and Chutney

In India, there is a cultural tradition to make pakoras with chutney (an Indian dish) wen it rains

Pakora are crispy fritters made with vegetables like onions, potatoes, gram flour, spices and herbs. Also known as pakora or pakura, it is a popular snack and street food from the Indian sub-continent.

19. Online shopping
20. Take a nap or catch up on sleep.
21. Make homemade Ice cream
22. Dream about your future

A rainy day is a perfect opportunity to sit and reflect on your life! Sit down and dream about your future, plan, and vision the life you want!

Fun and relaxing things to do on rainy days for adults

23. Try a new recipe or bake some treats.
things to do on a rainy day for adults

What better way to spend time at home, than cooking something delicious or even baking?!

If you love cooking, you will enjoy making any recipe and if you don’t like cooking, you can experiment today as a change!

24. Paint your nails
26. Make some coffee or tea
27. Have a Skincare routine

Nourish your skin by doing a little pampering session,! Apply a face mask and moisturize your skin well!

28. Do Stretching
29. Make a self-care basket
30. Give yourself a massage

Another on the list of relaxing things to do on a rainy day for adults, give yourself a good massage! They are so good for our body to release stress and any body tension

31. Watch a movie marathon.
32. Write affirmations 
33. Try meditation or mindfulness exercises.

If you always made excuses that you don’t get time to meditate, this is the perfect time for you! (no excuses here)

Take few minutes and do deep breathing meditation to focus on your breath and body internally!

34. Make a gratitude list 
35. Explore new music or create a playlist.
36. Take a nap or catch up on sleep.

Honestly, rain for me and many others is the opportunity to rest and sleep, each day gets so busy for many people

Their body needs that rest! So take a nap or sleep

37. Have a pyjma day 
38. Learn a new dance online.
39. Create a scrapbook of memories.
40. Take a bubble bath
30 day self care challenge

Nothing more relaxing than taking a bubble bath with a candle and music in the background! Do some self-care! Give yourself the love you deserve!

41. Make homemade pizza from scratch
42. Write a letter to your future self.
43. Do yoga session.

Moving your body is so important, for people who hardly move or sit all day at desk.

Yoga is a must for them, especially if they are stuff. Not only will yoga help you loosen up your muscles and relax, but help you feel energized!

44. Put on a face mask 
45. Decorate your balcony 
46. Catch up on your favourite YouTuber or influencer

I love watching vlogs of my favorite YouTubers! It is only super relaxing and you could always do that

47. Spend me-time
48. Light a candle  
49. Make samosas
50. Make cake

Baking has become an obsession of mine, and every time I find myself stuck at home! I try to bake some cake or brownies!

51. Create a relaxing corner for yourself

Productive things to do on rainy days

52. Write in a journal

Stuck at home is the best time to journal your heart out! Journaling is so powerful and can be done in so many ways!

Whether you wanna write your heart out in a notebook or practice journal prompts! Do it!

You can check my guide on journaling here

53. Organize and declutter your living space.
54. Change your sheets

Another productive and simple thing to do on a rainy day for adults is to change their sheets! Many adults forget to change there bedsheets due to busy life

55. Attend a virtual class or workshop.
56. Watch TED Talks on interesting topics.
57. Learn a new skill online.

Being at home can also be productive in terms of learning a new skill online! there are plenty of online courses available for almost everything!

Sign up for a course and learn a new skill of your choice! Here are 50 helpful and fun Things to learn when

58. Take an online language course.
59. Watch a documentary on a topic you’re curious about.
60. Get rid of expired stuff

Such an easy and small task but so important that can often get missed due to busy life!

Check all your products at home, one b one and remove the ones that have gotten expired! From food, skincare, cosmetics to medicine, everything!

61. Volunteer for an online charity event.
62. Create a savings plan 
63. Prepare a meal plan

Meal planning can be done easily at home and is a productive activity that will help you every busy day

64. Learn to code 
65. Backup old photos
66. Make monthly goals

Sit down and use this time at home to make monthly goals for each month, Set a goal to achieve each month that will help you better your life

Here are: 73 monthly goals ideas you will love

67. Attend a virtual book club meeting.
68. Take a virtual cooking class.
69. Listen to an audioBook 

Listen to a podcast or an audio book while you enjoy the view outside of rain!

70. Learn about astronomy and stargaze.
71. Write your weekly goal
72. Declutter your phone 
how to organize your phone for a minimal life

Decluttering our phone every now and then is a must to-do! We do most our work from phone and we all know it gets full so often!

Here is a Complete guide on how to organize your phone for a minimal life

73. Discover new books.
74. Clear out your email inbox
75. Rearrange your furniture 

How about switching up your space by rearranging your furniture? A simple change can make the space look and feel new!

76. Listen to a podcast 
77. Do some laundry
78. Make lists
79. Read some blogs

Reading blogs about wellness, finance , recipes, or anything that seems to be your interest or help you in your life is another productive thing to do on a rainy day for adults

80. Clean out your fridge
81. Start a 30 day challenge
82. Set new routine

Create a new routine for yourself, think and come with a new routine it can be a morning, night, skincare or reset routine

83. Plan outfits from your closet

Enjoyable things to do on rainy days with your friends!

84. Play board games or card games.

Playing bored or card games is so much fun with your friends and family, you get to laugh and spend that quality time like you did as a kid!

85. Host a virtual game night with friends.
86. Have a virtual happy hour with friends.
87. Have a karaoke night.

I Love doing karaoke nights with my friend every time we do a sleepover!

88. Do a jigsaw puzzle.
89. Plan a themed dinner party.
90. Video call your friends 
things to do on a rainy day for adults

It is okay if you friends are away and you cannot physically meet them right now! video call them and catch up on them!

91. Play puzzle, crossword, or sudoku.
92. Play dumb charades 
93. Cook something together

Cooking with bestfriend is one of my favorite enjoyable things to do! We make so many new reciepes and try them! It is so much fun

94. Build a blanket fort.
95. Have a board game tournament.
96. Watch a film in a new language

Watching film in a new language can be exciting experience, I have watch Korean and Japanese movies with my friends in their language and honestly it was so cool to see different form of movie

97. Have a movie marathon.
98. Take a virtual museum tour.
99. Play hide and seek 

I remember playing hide and seek as a kid and it was so fun, As an adult it may seem awkward but if you have a kid at home, you can play this game with them!

100. Play truth or dare 
101. Give your friend a makeover 

I love friend makeover challenges where you dress up or do a make up for each other. It is so much fun

102. Play Jenga
103. Play a video game you’ve been wanting to try.
104. Bake cookies with your friends 
things to do on a rainy day for adults

Cookies and hot chocolate on a rainy day with your friends is a total vibe!

105. Play cards 

Creative things to do on rainy days

106. Paint or draw something creative

I remember doing painting session with my friends and it used to be wholesome! Such a relaxing and creative activity to do!

107. Make a YouTube video
108. Make tiktok / reels 

Ofcourse social media is a part of everyone’ life. And making reels or tik tok with your friends can be fun!

109. Write letters to friends or family.
110. Do a home DIY project.
111. Start your own blog 

Starting a blog to share you knowledge or experience is honestly a great activity, you can write blog on rainy days and easily connect with people!

112. Play a musical instrument.
113. Plan your next vacation.
114. Experiment with photography.

Clicking pictures is literally everyone’s things now! It can be a make up, food, nature, home , anything you seem to be interested in

115. Learn a magic trick or two.
116. Learn calligraphy or hand lettering.
117. Try a new hairstyle or beauty routine.

Experiment with new hairstyle and beauty routine for yourself, There are so many tutorials available online you can take inspiration from and create your new look!

118. Write a song
119. Cut your own hair
120. Try nail art
things to do on a rainy day for adults

Another on the list of creative things to do on a rainy day for adults, is trying nail art!

Nail arts are so in trend and honestly they can be easily done at home! There are so many DIY ideas as well!

121. Try a new craft
122. Try making origami
123. Have a sip and paint night at home.

A relaxing and comforting sip and pain night session can be good! Light up candle, dim the lights, get your favourite drink, play background music and start painting!

124. Look into your  family tree
125. Try a new recipe or bake something.
126. List down your bucket list 

Whether at home or stuck somewhere else in a rain, if you are bored, y can always pen down and make a bucket list

127. Color in coloring book for art therapy
128. Upcycle Something
129. Make wall art 

Simple Wall art can unlock your creativity as well as add a new touch to your home!

130. Learn to knit
131. Decorate your home 
132. Make digital art

Digital art is low cost and super easy to make!

133. Learn how to Tie-dye  an outfit
134. Create a scrapbook 
135. Go on Pinterest for creative ideas

Pinterest is honestly my favorite place too get inspiration and new creative ideas abiut almost everything!

136. Make a card for someone you love 

Things to do on a rainy day for adults – outdoors

  1. Visit a local museum.
  2.  Visit your family
  3. Visit art gallery
  4. Visit a local coffee shop and read.
  5. Dance in the rain
  6. Visit an indoor trampoline park.
  7. Go on so a solo date to a restaurant 
  8. Go to a local library and discover new books.
  9.  Go on a drive with good music
  10.  Go bowling
  11. Visit an orphanage
  12.  Spend your day at your friend’s place
  13. Try a new restaurant for delivery.
  14. Visit an escape room (many offer online versions).
  15. Go to a local indoor sports facility.
  16. Go on an ice skating rink 
  17. Support a local store or business

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things to do on a rainy day for adults

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